This course is specially designed to improve the capabilities of the student in both English and Chinese. The course is module-based with age-appropriate themes and topics to enhance the comprehensive skills of student in the level of bilingualism which match with theIntegrated from different local school curriculum and our external resources including classic reading and cultural topics, a comprehensive course is developed to provide students an intensive and efficient learning in both English and Chinese.

We provide a small teaching class within 4 students, in which, ensure the efficient and quality of the tutorial. Students will be equipped with the necessary tools to complete a variety of different training with a focus on technique and accuracy. Our courses provide students with an interactive and creative approach in language learning



有別於一般單向教學的語文學校,我們以每班4名學生的小班學習環境,提供一個有利於導師 和學生之間互動交流的導修模式。並通過定期的學習評估測試,跟進學生的進度轉變及提高學生的心理質素及應試能力。

Our courses are specifically designed to enhance the comprehensive skill of the student in English. We help them to practice their grammar usage, listening, reading and writing, and the courses are designed by our experienced teacher with reference to the local school curriculum. We help students consolidate their knowledge of grammar and improve their range of vocabulary through module materials to strengthen their confidence in English usage. They also will learn exams skills and strategies with regular exam practice. Read More + 更多
為配合現行新學制的要求,更有效地提升及鞏固學生在中國語文的能力,我們着重為學生建立真正穩固的語文基礎。有別於坊間一般只操練工作紙及練習等從末端入手的模式,我們首重培養學生的語文基礎。從詞彙、成語、句子、句式、段落及文章結構等方面起構,層進式地建立學生應有的語感及語文關聯結構,進而由修辭、段落大意、文章主題等方面訓練學生的語文領悟力。正確地建立學生應有的語文Read More + 更多
  • Integrated from different local institutions curriculum, enhance the examination skill of the student. 結合各院校的課程基礎,提高學生的應試能力。
  • Comprehensive training by our external resources. 運用外部資源,提升學生的綜合性中英文能力。
  • Small teaching class within 4 students to ensure the efficient and quality of the tutorial. 每班最多4名學生的小班學習環境。
  • Follow up the learning progress of students by regular assessment. 定期的學習評估測試,有效跟進學生的進度。
  • DEnhance learning and communication skills to solve problems from group activities. 透過小組活動,從活動中學習解決問題及加強溝通技巧。

Small Group Class: 4 students in class.
小班教學: 師生比例平均1:4
Tuition: $1550 / 8 lessons per month, each lesson 1.5 hours
學費: $1550 / 每月 8 堂,每堂1.5小時
Curriculum model: 4 English classes + 4 Chinese classes
課程模式: 4堂英文課 + 4堂中文課