Welcome to Language Foundation

Language Foundation was established in 2007 to provide language education focused on excellence in learning to the diverse needs of the community. We provide comprehensive and quality language learning education for our student to enhance their usage and interest on different language. We believe a solid foundation of language today would be a pathway to success in the future. We are indeed to provide a comprehensive learning experience to our student to develop their potential, build up their self-confidence and will prepared for coming challenges.Read More ++

語基語文培訓成立於2007年, 一直致力為本港學生提供卓越的語文教育以迎合校内以至社會上的各種需要。我們以全面而優質的語言學習教育,提高我們學生對不同語文的興趣及應用能力。我們 相信未來的成功,取決於今天一個堅實的語文基礎。我們一直堅定地為學生提供一種全面的學習經驗,發展自己的潛能,建立自信,並為將來的挑戰作最佳準備。了解更多 ++

Our Course

Integrated from different local school curriculum and our external resources including classic reading and cultural topics, a comprehensive course is ...

我們的課程除了注重考試技巧以外,更旨在全面提升學生在中、英文讀寫運用上的技巧。我們透過綜合各名校、本地院校及國際學校的課程基礎結合運用各中外...Read More 了解更多 ++

Student Achievement

First in Form (4 yrs), Heep Yunn Primary School協恩小學總成績全級第一名(連續四年)

Study in L.F. 5 years... 於語基就讀5年

Second in Form, Diocesan Boys' School (PD)拔萃男書院附屬小學全級第二名

Study in L.F. 3 years...於語基就讀3年

Third in Form, St. Francis of Assisi's English Primary School聖方濟各英文小學全級第三名

Study in L.F. 6 years...於語基就讀6年

Who Join Us

Diocesan Boys' School & DBSPD拔萃男書院, 及其附屬小學

Heep Yunn School (Pri & Sec)協恩(小學及中學)

St. Paul’s College (Pri & Sec)聖保羅書院 (小學及中學)

Ying Wah (Pri & Sec) School英華(小學及中學)

PLK Camões Tan Siu Lin Pri Sch保良局陳守仁小學

Recommended Reading

Cultivate the interest of children and youth in reading can widen their scope of reading and knowledge, enhance their ability in language usage. Read More

我們相信培養兒童及青少年對閱讀的興趣,養成良好的閱讀習慣,可以擴闊他們的閱讀範圍和知識,提高他們運用語文的能力。 了解更多 ++

Language Course

  • English Course (P1-P6)(S1-S6)
  • Chinese Course (P1-P6)(S1-S6)
  • Two Languages Course