Student acheivement 學生成績

Language Foundation aims at every student to be the best that they can be.

We do this by creating a good learning environments, led by experienced teachers who bring out the best in every child. And our courses provide students with an interactive approach to language learning. And the result is shown on their academic result:



  • First in Form, Diocesan Boys' School全級第一名, 拔萃男書院
  • First in Form (Four Years), Heep Yunn Primary School, 全級第一名(連續四年), 協恩小學
  • First in Form, Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division全級第二名, 拔萃男書院附屬小學
  • Third in Form , St. Francis of Assisi's English Primary School全級第三名, 聖方濟各英文小學
  • Third in Form, PLK Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School 全級第三名, 保良局陳守仁小學
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  • First in Form, Four consecutive years, Heep Yunn Primary School全級第一名, 連續四年, 協恩小學
  • First in Form (Four Years), Heep Yunn Primary School, 全級第一名(連續四年), 協恩小學
  • Chinese Subject Award, Heep Yunn Primary School中文學科奬(何明華會督國文獎), 協恩小學
  • Third in Form in English, Diocesan Boys' School英文全級第三名, 拔萃男書院
  • English Subject Award, Diocesan Boys' School(PD) 英文學科奬, 拔萃男書院附屬小學
  • Chinese Subject Award, Diocesan Boys' School(PD) 中文學科奬, 拔萃男書院附屬小學
  • First in Form, Diocesan Boys' School 全級第一名, 拔萃男書院
  • Seventh in Form, Diocesan Boys' School (PD) 全級第七名, 拔萃男書院附屬小學
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  • Pui Ching Primary School (Kindergarten) student allocated to DBSPD 培正幼兒園學生入讀拔萃男書院附屬小學
  • St Catherine's International Kindergarten student allocated to Diocesan Boys' School Primary Division 國際英文幼稚園學生入讀拔萃男書院附屬小學
  • York International Kindergarten student allocated to Diocesan Girls' Junior School 約克國際幼兒園入讀拔萃女書院附屬小學
  • Kenfield kindergarten student allocated to La Salle Primary School 根德園幼稚園入讀喇沙小學
  • St Catherine's International Kindergarten student promoted to CCKG and allocated to Diocesan Girls' Junior School 國際英文幼稚園轉校往CCKG後入讀拔萃女書院附屬小學
  • St Catherine's International Kindergarten student allocated to PLK Camões Tan Siu Lin Primary School 國際英文幼稚園入讀保良局陳守仁小學
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  • St. Francis of Assisi's English Primary School student allocated to Ying Wah School 聖方濟各小學學生升讀英華女書院
  • Holy Family Canossian School student allocated to St. Paul's Co-educational College 嘉諾撒聖家小學學生升讀聖保羅男女書院
  • St. Paul's Convent School (Primary) student allocated to St. Paul's Co-educational College 聖保羅(修院)小學學生升讀聖保羅男女書院
  • Alliance Primary School student allocated to St. Stephen's College 九龍塘宣道小學學生升讀聖保羅書院
  • Methodist School student allocated to Diocesan Boys' School 循道小學學生升讀拔萃男書院
  • Farm Road Government Primary School student allocated Heep Yunn School 農圃道官立小學學生升讀協恩中學
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  • DSE Obtain 5** in English and Liberal Studies, Diocesan Boys' School DSE 英文及英文通識均獲5**佳績,拔萃男書院
  • Obtain full mark in Reading and Writing parts in TOEFL TOEFL中取得佳績, 閱讀及寫作部分獲得滿分
  • Obtain Grade A in English in HKAL, Queen's College 高考英文科獲A級成績, 皇仁書院
  • Obtain Grade A in IGCSE English (ESL) (EFL), St. Paul's Convent School, IGCSE 英文科(ESL) (EFL) 中取得A級成績, 聖保祿修院學校
  • Obtain Grade A in Chinese and Chinese Literature, Diocesan Girls' School 高考中文科及中國文學科均獲A級成績, 拔萃女書院
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