Language Foundation was established in 2007 to provide language education focused on excellence in learning to the diverse needs of the community. We provide comprehensive and quality language learning education for our student to enhance their usage and interest on different language. We believe a solid foundation of language today would be a pathway to success in the future. We are indeed to provide a comprehensive learning experience to our student to develop their potential, build up their self-confidence and will prepared for coming challenges.

語基語文培訓成立於2007年, 一直致力為本港學生提供卓越的語文教育以迎合校内以至社會上的各種需要。我們以全面而優質的語言學習教育,提高我們學生對不同語文的興趣及應用能力。我們 相信未來的成功,取決於今天一個堅實的語文基礎。我們一直堅定地為學生提供一種全面的學習經驗,發展自己的潛能,建立自信,並為將來的挑戰作最佳準備。

Our Philosophy

Language Foundation believes in a comprehensive way in language education. In addition to focus on the examination skill, we are indeed to develop a variety skill on reading and writing in different language. We provide a small teaching class within 5 students, in which, ensure the efficient and quality of the tutorial. Students will be equipped with the necessary tools to complete a variety of different training with a focus on technique and accuracy. Our courses provide students with an interactive and creative approach to language learning.

我們認為真正的語文教育在於全面發展。除了重點培訓考試的技巧外以,我們為不同語言的閱讀和寫作技巧制定了系統式的訓練。為確保教程的效率和質量,我們以每 班最多5名學生的小班學習環境,提供一個有利於導師和學生之間互動交流的教學模式。學生將在一個互動和充滿創意的語言學習方式中完成各種技術和準確性的培訓。

Our Team

Language Foundation is characterized by dedicated staff and a commitment to providing an excellent education through the medium of different language. We believe in educating the child to achieve his or her maximum potential in comprehensive way. Our experienced education team was served in different language education organization including:


•English School Foundation 英基學校協會

•Hong Kong Open University 香港公開大學

•Caritas Hong Kong 香港明愛

•VLT Education Organization VLT教育機構

Our Mission

We strive to be the best language learning organization that contributes to the language development of every student. Therefore, we commit to:


•Have high expectations for every student;

•Discovering and developing talent;

•Be passionate about learning and teaching;

•Cultivating cultural understanding;

•Building trust by demonstrating integrity;

•Continue improving our practice.