typhoon and rainstorm arrangement 惡劣天氣

Remarks 備註:

Regarding all typhoon and rainstorm arrangement, Language Foundation will follow the Education Bureau's (EDB) announcement as the final decision. If EDB announces " Classes of Day schools (including kindergartens, AM, PM and Whole-day schools) are to be suspended all day," although all typhoon or rainstorm warning are cancelled, Language Foundation will follow EDB's instruction to suspend all classes.

Classes which are scheduled to start 2 or more hours after a signal is lowered will continue to run. For example: If Typhoon or Rainstorm Signal is cancelled at 3:00pm, 5:00pm classes will proceed as normal.

If the Typhoon No. 8 signal (or above) / Black Rainstorm is hoisted, students can leave the centre if accompanied by an adult.


如在上課2 小時前除下風球/ 持續暴雨警告,學生均應按時上課。例:下午3 時除下風球, 5 時後的課堂應如常進行。

若天文台在學生上課期間懸掛8 號或以上風球 / 黑色暴雨警告,家長可在安全的情況下安排子女回家。