Comperhensive English Course (S.1-S.6)

Public exam (DSE, ICGSE, TOEFL and IELTS) would be the focal point of Secondary students. This course is specially designed to prepare you for the Exam curriculum by a comprehensive training on reading, writing, and listening. Aim at improving your language, skills and ideas and gain confidence as a student in preparation for your Public exam.

Our courses are highly exam-focused and emphasis on exam techniques. We help junior Secondary students consolidate their knowledge of grammar and improve their range of vocabulary through module materials to strengthen their confidence in English usage. Senior Secondary students will learn exams skills and strategies with regular exam practice to help maximize their result on the DSE.

  • study topics relevant to hot news, local news, teenagers, technology, etc
  • improve your reading, writing and listening skills
  • be better prepared for school exams
  • build up your grammar and vocabulary
  • improve your exam skills
  • practice on Public exam tasks and question type, as well as preparing you for the School-based Assessment of your Public exam
  • build your vocabulary, improve your grammar and become more confident
  • opportunities to discuss and present yourself in small, friendly classes at your level
  • develop your critical and imaginative response to texts
  • expand your language and skills on a range of topics
  • improve your exam skills
  • do regular exam practice
  • learn practical tips and techniques to maximize your mark
  • be prepared for a range of exam question types

Small Group Class: 4 students in class.
小班教學: 師生比例平均1:4
Tuition: $900 / 4 lessons per month, each lesson 1.5 hours
學費: $900 / 每月 4 堂,每堂1.5小時