Application Details 報名詳情

All of Language Foundation's courses are series-based with level-appropriate themes and topics that match with students' stages and school curriculum. We provide a small teaching class within 4 students, in which, ensure the efficient and quality of the tutorial. Students will be equipped with the necessary tools to complete a variety of different training with a focus on technique and accuracy. Our courses provide students with an interactive and creative approach to language learning.

If you want to join us, please download the application form below and send to us at

If you want to have more information on the course and the time schedule, or want to have a visit to our centre, welcome to contact us at 2384-4198 in the office hours. Office hours +



如果你了解更多課程資訊、課程時間表或親臨本中心,歡迎在辦公時間致電2384-4198與我們聯繫。了解辦公時間 +

Steps to join language foundation

1. Download the application HERE. 請下載申請表

2. Email the application form to 電郵至